Saturday, 2 October 2010

The Truth Behind The Volatile (A Work in Progress)

See, we used to be one

Now we’re separated into two

I was left broken

And alone


I sit down and think back

Wonder how we got this way

Look through all our texts and pictures

And just reminisce of how we used to be


You have betrayed me in the worst way possible

And you’ve done it more than once

how can you say you love me,

When you do nothing to change it?


So, i decided to take a stand

Once and for all

I have had enough of being treated this way

It has to stop now


I grit my teeth and close my eyes

As I delete your texts and pictures

And deal the final blow

Delete you from Facebook and erase your number


I feel a little better surrounded in loneliness.

But yet, i still feel empty, fragile and broken

I have to hold myself together

To stop myself falling apart


I come to realise that if I ignore you

You’d eventually leave me alone

I’d get over you

You get over me


I begin to think that my plan is flawless

Until my phone starts to vibrate, I have a text

I check the sender’s number against my memory…

… It’s you…


A mixture of emotions fill my head

They flood through my veins into my heart

I feel pangs of longing, needing, wanting

Takin’ over my hurt, upset, pain, anger, confusion


You’ve sent me poems

Detailing our journey

But just like all journeys progress

There has to be an end. There always is.


Whether there’s a fork in the road

And you’re stuck for a decision

Or you reach a dead end

And the road hits a brick wall


As time progresses, people change

It’s all a matter of whether they change together

Or go their separate ways

And grow apart, or worse still, fall away from each other.


People say “True love never dies”

And I’m not entirely sure that’s true

Maybe love just changes

And it doesn’t feel the same anymore


Love is just one of many journeys

It can start as a friendship and grow

Or begin a relationship

And dwindle into friendship, or just nothingness…


What ever path it takes

It’s participants should never

Take each other for granted

Or take advantage.


It feels as if that’s just what you did

Take advantage of my love for you

And the trust I had

How could you?


It took long enough for me to trust you

Trust anyone again

It feels like you’ve stabbed me in the back, as you looked into my eyes.

Then left me for dead, without even a look over your shoulder.


Those poems disturbed something deep inside of me

I don’t know whether that’s a good thing

Or bad, either way,

It doesn’t matter anymore…


As my eyes trace their way over the letters

That form into words, sentences, verses

that tell me of our past

A previously hidden point of view


Thoughts and feelings that were shrouded in mystery

Spill onto paper

My mind is working overtime

In reaction to your message


My words come out nonchalant and angry

i find myself not caring if I scare you

I’m not bothered how “sorry” you claim to be

I find myself believing it’s all another lie


What can I do to make you realise what you have done?

Maybe there’s just no point

Since you can’t possibly care

When it’s always the same

1 comment:

  1. i hear you. painful. angry. messeed up..x
